Our Unique Approach to Digital Transformation

Before exploring how Xpedition can help you achieve your Digital Transformation objectives, it’s worth briefly recapping what digital transformation actually is. Though it is a term used by many organisations nowadays, not everyone fully understands nor embraces its true meaning, so it’s worth first of all outlining before we continue.
What is digital transformation?
Organisations sometimes refer to switching to the latest technology as digital transformation. However, in reality, it is much more than this. Technology is integral to digital transformation, but it is what your business achieves with it that makes it a powerful force for change.
True digital transformation uses technology to optimise business processes and performance, serve customers more effectively and provide agility that enables your company to adapt to future changes in customer and market demands. For example, using cloud technology can enable retailers to communicate seamlessly with couriers and give customers live updates on their order’s delivery status.
Undergoing such a transformation can be a significant undertaking for any organisation, which is why seeking expert guidance can help you avoid many of the common pitfalls.
What is our approach to digital transformation?
At Xpedition, we use our wealth of experience to guide customers to the summit of their digital transformation. We take pride in our innovative, adaptable and efficient Dynamics 365 solutions.
How do we do this? We break our approach to digital transformation into the following four steps:
1. Scout
The success of any expedition is determined by the preparation that’s completed beforehand.
That’s why we begin any digital transformation by exploring the different routes you can take, assessing what might lie ahead, and any challenges you might encounter.
We take the time to understand where you currently are and where you want to be at the end of your journey.
This means understanding your current business processes, existing infrastructure, technology and company culture. We can then assess your strengths and pain points.
At the end of this stage, we present a clear proposal which you can share with key stakeholders, so they understand the value of the project before you move onto the next stage. Early stakeholder involvement and communications are critical to supporting change within any organisation.
Our aim isn’t just to give you technology that is right for your business now, but rather to make sure it will adapt as you grow and seek to achieve more. Investing in technical functionality that you don’t need is a waste of time and money. By keeping the system lean and nimble, and only executing the essentials, your organisation can be more efficient and drive return on investment.
2. Equip
Once we’ve worked with you to define your objectives, we then move to the planning phase. Here, we map out a clear route and identify the resources you’ll need for each step of your journey.
We outline the deliverables, priorities, prerequisites and success factors and use these to steer the approach we take.
By using this information to create a project timeline and calculate the costs involved, we enable you to embark on your journey with a clear view of what you need to make your transformation a reality.
From experience, we know what it takes to keep a project on track. That’s why we take a thorough approach that includes considering the processes and outcomes which need support. We appreciate the importance of making sure every team member understands their responsibilities.
Since such projects will involve a cultural shift, the support of the wider business is paramount. By helping you communicate the vision you have and the benefits it will bring to the company, we’ll enlist the support of the rest of the business.
Gaining support from colleagues, especially those in key relevant departments, means you’ll have the commitment necessary to see the project through to a successful end.
3. Embark
With a clear goal in mind and a plan in place, we’ll then help you in deciding the best approach to implement the changes.
Many organisation favour an agile approach which involves breaking your journey into sprints that each culminate in a review of how the stage went. At the end of each sprint we step back to evaluate what is going well and where improvements can be made. We also use sprints to optimise the user experience and design.
Despite meticulous planning, projects can still sometimes stray slightly off-piste and need to be steered back on track. Having an experienced guide can be particularly helpful in such instances. You might find you need to change tactics to reach a more desirable outcome.
As you embark on your digital transformation journey, you may find you need to streamline your organisation by removing unnecessary rules and cumbersome processes. Keeping things simple means you are less likely to lose sight of your end goal. Rethinking how responsibilities are assigned and sharing workloads all help to avoid unnecessary complications.
4. New Horizons
Once your new technology goes live, you can then begin to truly reap the benefits of your digital transformation. The key to ensuring long term success is to keep evolving and maintain a keen focus on what matters most to customers and indeed to your business.
If you continue to make improvements and increase efficiencies based on user feedback, you will be ever closer to realising the full potential of your digital transformation.
Start your digital transformation today
If you would like to discuss our approach to digital transformation and how this will benefit your organisation, get in touch with one of our team today.
Alternatively, watch our free on-demand webinar to discover how your organisation can map out an effective digital transformation framework to help achieve your company objectives.