
The world after Dynamics GP – Business Central

Eli Clarke talks about the old world of Dynamics GP, and the new world of accounting and ERP software – Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

As you may be aware my background has been with Dynamics GP, my career until recently had been various roles within GP resellers and independent software vendors. So why did I take the leap from a world I knew well to a scary new one?

It turns out the new world isn’t so scary after all, I’ve been in it for a month or so now and familiar faces are popping up, similar conversations are being had and generally I don’t feel quite so far away from “home” as I thought I would as I’m still positioned firmly within the Microsoft Dynamics Community.

As to the why part of that question. I think of it like my old Nokia 3210, I loved it, it did everything I needed it to do, I was attached to it, but the day came for an upgrade. My first smartphone. I had no desire to do anything but call people and send texts, I didn’t need a smartphone, or so I thought.

Would I swap my current phone for a 3210? Not a chance! Now that I have a wealth of apps which make my life easier I couldn’t be without them.

In fact I use my phone less for its original and primary purpose in life – calling people, than I have ever done and yet it hardly ever leaves my side and is frequently in use. I think all of us to some degree are reliant on our phones for more than just making calls.

The same goes for software in my eyes. It’s evolving, moving with the times, becoming more than anyone ever imagined it would be, and doing more than anyone ever expected.

Yes the older systems still work and fulfil their main purpose most of the time, but technology moves on at a rapid pace, and enhancements are happening all the time. I’m jumping on the bandwagon, embracing change, learning what Microsoft has to offer now and into the future and working out what this means for organisations who jump on the bandwagon with me.

Get in touch to see what the new world looks like and embrace the change with me and Xpedition.

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