White paper

Transformational Capacity of RevOps

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The Transformational Capacity of RevOps.

According to Gartner, 75% of the highest growth companies in the world will deploy a RevOps model by 2025.

Turn to RevOps to unlock sustainable, scalable growth

We live in an era of uncertainty. Businesses struggle to predict the impacts of economic shifts and build a clear picture of how micro and macro trends will impact operations and growth.

Resilience and responsiveness will be vital. Downturns often lead to businesses being more reactive and more prone to damaging short-term decisions. It’s too easy to panic and respond by cutting sales and marketing budgets – often the first casualties of a recession.

What makes RevOps so valuable?

Digital transformation in customer experience is the reimagining of the customer journey through the optimisation and integration of digital technologies to fundamentally transform how business delivers value to its customers.

RevOps delivers a powerful model for growth, where cross-functional teams can work in a continuous cycle, sharing accountability for revenue generation. It allows businesses to move prospects more quickly through the sales pipeline and focus more on activities which will increase their loyalty and lifetime value, which in turn, contributes to business growth and profitability, even in unpredictable times.

What RevOps delivers when done right:

RevOps is a comprehensive framework that enables organisations to integrate sales, marketing and customer success departments and empower them to work closer together, reducing friction in the customer journey to drive a more streamlined customer experience. By putting the customer at the centre of every process, customers don’t engage in sporadic interactions with individual departments across sales, marketing and customer success, Instead, they experience a seamless, holistic engagement with one company. 

Here are some of the core benefits RevOps provides:

To learn more about the transformational capacity of RevOps, download the whitepaper today.

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